Friday 21 January 2011

You're letting the sadness of the swamps get to you


I was just hanging about in the lovely town of Stockport, as you do, did you know they have an awesome hat museum? Totally worth a ganders if you enjoy hats.
Anyway, getting off topic, I ended up in Oxfam. Yup that's right another charity shop. And I came across this book.

I was pretty taken with the title, it such a sad sounding pony. I think that for this one I may have paid over the odds slightly, I'm afraid it wasn't a 50p bargain, but in fact a whole £2.99.
But when I looked inside the book, I found that not only was the pony discontented, he is also called MERRYLEGS! And he wants to be a fair ground horse,

But he gets sick.

That might not be the actual story. I can't bring myself to read it, I prefer my Merry-go-Sickness version.
I must say from an artistic view point the images are really lovely, the level of detail is great, I particularly enjoy the swishing of the carousel. I haven't got a picture of the inner book cover at the moment, but it has a really lovely pattern. I'll try to post an addition soon.

The Box

This is a tale of a recent find, I feel it is best to start here.

I travel into Lanark with every intention of spending hours in the library. But between me and the library there are 4 charity shops, each one decreases the time in the library significantly.
The last one is the best, it has lots of oddments and the staff are happy to chat away to you. And as I turn, I see it from across the room. The words shout out to me.

It lies amongst the cassette rack, I kinda know by this point I'm on to something pretty good, looking at the inlay confirms this. Only 50p and it may be the best thing I have ever owned. I start to worry on the way home that I will open the box, and it will be Steps or Boyzone instead, like some cruel trick, from some charity shop prankster.
I get home and it is what it should be.
I listen, so content.
And then the music cuts out. Alas, What has befallen my wonderful find?! Eeeeek! There has been a tape gobbling. This happiness was seemingly short lived.

It's okay though, all was not lost, through the crafty use of a torch, crochet hook, scalpel and cellotape the good ol' tape plays on with a few hiccups. I didn't completely ruin it, Yay!

In the beginning, it is always dark

I am a collector and hoarder of things. I am creating this Blog, as a way to share my finds and oddments to make me feel less like a treasure troll who wont let anyone look at the shiny things, occaisionally shouting phrases such as "Hari doesn't Share!" And "Mine!"

Here are some things about me.

I am half only child.
I like bread and all manner of bread related goods,
and I currently reside in a tiny place surrounded by sheep and other things I don't understand.